Friday, February 4, 2011

Go Red For Heart Disease Day

Yesterday I was asked by Karen Chavez with BHBB if I would share my story with WTXL ABC Ch 27 news, I said SURE!!! Well last night I felt like I was back in school again. Who knows my story better then me??? NO ONE yet I found myself having a panic attack that I wouldn't remember dates and names. So I kept reading over all my documents I have kept through the years from Doctors. Anyone that knows me knows I am a talker. Public speaking on the other hand is not something I am comfortable with. Something in my heart told me I had to do this though. I need to reach out to others that may be dealing with CHD or waiting for a transplant. I know that meeting people that have gone through what I have gone through is what helped me through all of this the most. Joining Broken Hearts Of The Big Bend and meeting so many wonderful heart families was one of the best things that happened to me. It made me realize that all the struggles I have gone through in life with my heart someone else out there has or is going through worse and it makes me very THANKFUL of the life I have. My heart breaks for all the lil ones out there living with a CHD and having to have any type of surgery. They are lil heart warriors!!!! So I am sucking up my fear of public speaking and going to share my story on behalf of all my BHBB families!!

So WATCH ME TONIGHT at 11 p.m. — immediately following Barbara Walter’s special, “A Matter of Life and Death,” at 10 p.m. on your local ABC channel — I will be featured on a segment about Heart Disease.

Then join me at Broken Hearts Open House - Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
Location: St Stephen Lutheran Church-Elca
Time: 6:00PM Tuesday, February 8th

1 comment:

  1. Ramsey, I am so glad you became a part of Broken Hearts and we became a part of you. You did great in your interview!
