Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I'm OK!!! It took them about 3 hrs to put the ICD in and it went well. I'm on Morphine cause I'm in a lot of pain. Change of plans once they got in there, they feel the ICD may improve my heart function & keep pressures down so this means the PICC line will come out Tomorrow and I will come home with the ICD in and see if it helps and I will come back in a month for a swan cath in neck. If it doesn't then PICC line back in and start on pre-transplant medicine and status bump up to a 1B. But, it is BEST to go as long as we can on my own if ICD works it will prolong transplant. This is a good thing and we are excited to see if it works. But, I'm still listed for a heart at a status 2 and will still need a new heart transplant. Thank everyone for your prayers and support. I love you all!!!!!

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